NDSMail 0.58b

Back from a great vacation 🙂 NDSMail 0.58b(great occasion to try the online-update feature 😉 – mails are now sorted by date– fix editboxes overlapping the on-screen keyboard– fix feed list editor– works with message folders larger than 64kb (oops)NDSMail 0.58b NDSMail 0.58a has been available for some time via online-update. However, it had some… Weiterlesen NDSMail 0.58b

NDSMail 0.58

Once again, a new version of NDSMail: address book added online update feature added SMTP bug fixed (?) if no password was specified, ndsmail will allow you to enter it while connecting feed settings screen improved UI code improved HTTP module automatically converts „URL-encoded“ strings Download (as the R4DS firmware now supports automatic DLDI patching,… Weiterlesen NDSMail 0.58