I just uploaded NDSMail 0.44 to the usual location
– Uses latest dswifi version
– Improved connection code – should be faster & more reliable now
– Put keep-ap-connection-alive function back in
– mail display slightly improved
– asks you if you want to save your settings when leaving the settings screen
– reply button disabled for feeds
As you certainly noticed, progress is a little slow lately. I’m quite busy with other things at the moment, so no SSL yet. I would probably need about 1-2 free days for a first version. I’m planning to make it available in some way to other DS developers once it’s done
great! thanks for this very cool app bronto!
its so cool:)
Maybe an imap version for futur ? Or it’s just a dream ? ^^
Thanks NDSMail !
Yey this is the 1st build of NDSMail that I’ve actually managed to get working. Just read my pop3 e-mails on my DS for the 1st time ever! (DSLite, supercard, 2gb miniSD) Many thanks Bronto!
Where exactly is your paypal donation button? Id like to send 10 bucks your way.
glad it works on sc minisd. can you save settings?
now that’s a nice change request
added it to the side bar
Is it possible to use wep encryption?
Bronto: Fat enabled and settings saved ok, since 0.43 for me
Thanks again for the new version Bronto, I like the keepalive and the indicator in the corner. Also, the RSS feeds are nice now that it’s clear when you’re downloading content from which site. Still can’t get my mail though (it reaches 188 and gets stuck then gives me an error). Do you know if there are any messages the program has problems with (for instance messages with no subject or ones with attatchments) that might be causing this? Thanks!
I can’t access a hotspot for a while, but would this work with gmail? Or do you HAVE to have SSL?
Bronto I thought it might be worth also mentioning that although it works fine, it hangs on „Searching“ until I press start to manually choose my WIFI network. Also, my WIFI network shows as 110% strength is that normal? There are about 5 other networks around of varying strenths, none of which are public.
I hope you can get TLS and SSL working soon, I want to be able to use Gmail with this baby! By the way, I love the responsiveness of the editor’s keyboard. Most other homebrew apps‘ keyboards are not that accurate. Keep up the good work!