Supercard MiniSD

It seems there are some problems with the new Supercard MiniSD. Apparently it is not 100 % compatible with Chishm’s FAT lib, or at least the modifications I made to it in order to add write support for the Supercard SD. Perhaps some more SC MiniSD users can report their experiences, and if other homebrew apps work.

As for the good news,SSL is coming closer 🙂

10 Kommentare zu „Supercard MiniSD

  1. MiniSD SC (2gb) user here. I had a few crashes trying to enter pop3 details.. but I managed to get around this by entering one line at a time, saving, doing the next line etc. When I click „Receive Mail“ it says „could not resolve host name“ .. but I know the pop3 details are correct.

    Also, when entering pop3 details.. it was quite confusing – I didn’t realise that the cursor was at the end of the line by default, and you have to press delete a lot of times, to delete lots of white space to get to the beginning of the line. A nice blinking cursor might help? Or auto clear the line you you click to edit it?

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Weird, FAT doesn’t work here. Using SanDisk 512MB miniSD and SCminiSD.
    I thought miniSD and the SD versions were practically the same :s

  3. Hi bronto, are you german ?
    Is there any possibility to us your program with M3 and Nintendo WiFi USB Connector ?? It finds an access point (the USB stick), but it could not connect. The same is with the wifi lib test (not yours), it says the stick has a WEP key. Thanx for an answer.

  4. rowan:
    yeah the keyboard is a dodgy. I’m looking for another one to use, but no success yet.
    cursor will be added 🙂
    not sure why you get „could not resolve host name“.. can you try another server and verify the connection to the access point ?

    yes, I’m from germany. I think the nintendo usb connector needs a different driver to support homebrew wifi. I think I saw a thread at the gbadev forums

  5. Ok, NDS lite + SuperCard + 1gb Mini SD… doesnt work if you just load the .nds file directly – you just get a white screen. However, if you load DSOrganize first then use the file browser to launch ndsmail, it works!! Bronto… maybe this helps with the debug?

  6. Hi,

    I’ve a SuperCard MiniSd with an old DS flash with WifiMe.

    With a Homebrew such as NDSMail or DSOrganize, progs work great but after reboot the NDS my MiniSD are clear 🙁

    Where is the matter?

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